
                                           Public Sector (Employers)

Public Sector plans confront economic issues from many directions. Our focus goes beyond the valuations of plans to assist employers and trustees in understanding the whole financial landscape associated with their benefit programs, and to develop pragmatic solutions. In addition to OPEB actuarial services, we offer full actuarial services and advisory services to municipalities with Police and Fire pension plans, and provide funding valuations to determine statutory minimums, funding policy contribution levels for tax levy’s and other purposes, and financial accounting valuations for GASB 67/68. We help public sector employers and trustees assess their pension programs through sophisticated projections with robust sensitivity analysis and long term dynamic forecasting. Our models are tailored to help both employers and trustees understand and measure the impact of current and proposed programs, contribution and funding method alternatives, and assumption and experience variations.

We have been assisting employers in evaluating their retiree health programs since before the issuance and adoption of the GASB 43 and 45 accounting statements, and have been providing pension actuarial advisory services for decades. As experts in pension and OPEB accounting, our actuaries have assisted hundreds of public sector employers in the adoption of GASB 43/45 and most recently GASB 67/68. Our experience in the private sector where accounting statements have been in force since the mid 70’s enable us to quickly and efficiently digest new GASB statements and help our clients implement them. We are currently working with our clients to prepare for the adoption of GASB 74/75. In addition to OPEB actuarial services, we offer full actuarial services and advisory services to municipalities with Police and Fire pension plans, and provide funding valuations to determine statutory minimums and funding policy contribution levels for tax levy’s and other purposes, and financial accounting valuations for GASB 67/68.

Our governmental clients range from those with fewer than 50 employees to those with more than 35,000 employees. We understand the internal administrative demands and high financial stakes of employee benefit programs in the public sector, and bring full intensity and experience to each project.